

Museum itemEmperor Licinius’ plates, 4th century.

Digital item: Billy Idols Plate

Donor of digital item: #nancygrace

Note from Donor:

My father introduced me to Billy Idols music. We’d usually listen to him during our drive to Sutomore and on special occasions – like when we would bring our report cards home at the end of the school year or when we learned to ride our bikes. The tradition continued with Billy’s hits playing in the background as small victories developed into big ones. When he finally came to play in Nis, I lined up all day so I could be as close to the music idol of my youth as possible. I’d made a promise to myself to retrieve one of his personal items as a present to my father, in gratitude for all the support, beautiful words and upbringing that formed me as a person.

So when he started throwing things into the crowd I jumped and stretched out my 185cm self as much as I could and managed to catch this plate on which his signature and date of concert is written.

With the wish that my children learn his songs while we drive to the seaside and back, I gift this item to the national Museum.