Permanent Exhibition

Permanent Exhibition

New permanent collection of the National museum represents huge chronological period from Paleolithic period to 20th century art.

Collection is organized and presented on three levels and 5000sqm of exhibition space. Carefully selected artefacts will tell their stories about history and arts.

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Ancient History

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Middle Ages

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New Age and Modern Period

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Osmi Balkanski simpozijum o arheometriji u Beogradu

Izuzetno nam je drago što možemo da najavimo da će se Osmi Balkanski simpozijum o arheometriji (BSA 8) održati od 3. do 6. oktobra 2022. godine u Beogradu. Simpozijum će se fokusirati na glavne teme arheometrije:…

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Radno vreme Narodnog muzeja u nedelju

Zbog održavanja Beogradskog maratona i izmena u saobraćaju, Narodni muzej u Beogradu neće biti otvoren za posetioce u nedelju, 6. juna.

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Thematic guided tours

Starting from this September, visitors of the National Museum in Belgrade will be able to enjoy thematic guided tours. Tours will be organized on every Thursday from 6 pm, each covering different topics and parts of…

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National Museum projects


Museum of Vuk and Dositej

The Museum of Vuk and Dositej is a memorial museum dedicated to two great personas of Serbian culture: Dositej Obradović, the member of the Enlightenment Movement and first Serbian Minister of Education and Vuk Karadžić, the reformer of Serbian language and creator of Serbian literary language.

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Gallery of Frescoes

Gallery of Frescoes of the National Museum in Belgrade is unique by its function and content, collecting, safeguarding and exhibiting in one place the highest achievements of Serbian Medieval and Byzantine art. Its rich collection includes 1,300 copies of frescoes created between the 11th and mid-15th century as well as some copies of icons and miniatures from the same period.

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The Archaeological Museum of Đerdap

The Archaeological Museum of Đerdap in Kladovo presents important testimonies of the various cultures of the prehistoric, Roman and medieval periods on the Danube. It was established with the aim of integrating the protection of the archaeological heritage of the Danube in the area of ​​the wider region of Gvozdena Vrata – Djerdap and the overall presentation and promotion of this significant heritage.

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Lepenski Vir Museum

The Visitor Centre – Lepenski Vir Museum is part of a protected archaeological site Lepenski Vir near Boljetin village. It is located in the protected area belonging to the Đerdap National Park, near Donji Milanovac. It was erected next to the 9,000-year-old relocated site of Lepenski Vir, which is considered to be a globally important site.

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Memorial Museum of Nadežda and Rastko Petrović

The Memorial Museum of Nadežda and Rastko Petrović is dedicated to the leading figures of Serbian culture of the 20th century – Nadežda Petrović, famous female painter, founder of Art Association “Lada” and the first Yugoslav Art Colony in Sićevo, and her brother Rastko Petrović, poet, travel writer and art critic.

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Women Bathing (On the Beach) by Sava Šumanović

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Search for Balkan Flint

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Lepenski Vir in Popular Culture

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